ron rothman.ron rothman

Ron Rothman is...

How to Contact Me

my-first-name {at} mail {dot} ronrothman {dot} com

Resumé & Curriculum Vitae

My resumé / CV.

You Might Know Me From...


Can you occasionally be found sporting binoculars and a dorkish hat? Hey—Me too! (I've posted several bird lists in my travelogues.)
I wrote gorgeous software (patents pending) at CNET Networks (now CBS Interactive)—which you're more likely to know by one of its other names:
CNET Reviews, Chow, CBS News, CBS Sports, TechRepublic, GameSpot, etc.
During the day (and occasional night) I'm at Beeswax. Here's the Beeswax StackOverflow page. We're hiring!
...Stack Overflow
My SO profile.
...Hunter College High School
I put in 6 years at Hunter College High School (New York City).
(School color: purple.)
3 years as an undergrad at Northwestern University.
(School color: more purple.)
...Poly (now NYU)
1.5 years as a grad student (and National Science Foundation CATT Fellow) at Polytechnic University's Computer Science department.
(School color? Yes, purple.)
...Theta Tau
Co-founder of the Epsilon Gamma chapter of Theta Tau professional engineering fraternity at Northwestern.